Le grand jeu
The 6 editions
Pieces of the Ichthyosaur fossil of La Robine have disappeared !!! Browse the geosites of the region in search of clues that will lead you on the trail of the traffickers of natural resources, and find the fragments of stolen fossils!
Investigate the sites of Champourcin, the ammonite slab, the ichthyosaur, the Vélodrome and the clues of Verdache.
An illegal trade in wild plants has been spotted in the region! All Liver Anemones are disappearing and this species is in danger of extinction! It's up to you to stop this illegal traffic and preserve the natural heritage!
Investigate the sites of Sisteron clues, Mées penitents, Lure crests and Oppedette gorges.
Natterer Murins disappear, victims of illegal wildlife trade! Alongside Edouard-Alfred Martel and Federico Sacco, two passionate and fascinating geologists, you must protect bats from their extinction in the region!
Investigate the sites of Lac de Castillon, Grès d'Annot and Gorges de Daluis.
The authorities called on the eminent geologists, Federico Sacco and Edouard-Alfred Martel, to carry out an investigation in the heart of the geosites in the region. By their side, find the fossil thieves and put an end to the trafficking of natural resources!
Investigate the Basses Gorges du Verdon, Sirèniens de Castellane and Lac de Castillon sites.
Alpine Cordulies, threatened with extinction and endemic to the Alpes de Haute Provence, are captured by traffickers at the origin of a prohibited insect trade! Investigate and help the geologists dismantle this network of criminals!
Investigate the sites of Eaux tortes, the Riou Bourdoux landslides and the Maurin quarries.
Extremely rare fossilized starfish are found on the Rio Crosio site and sold at high prices on the black market! Find the criminals and their booty in order to preserve in state the natural heritage which is a common good!
Investigate the sites of the reii of Cherasco, the Federico Sacco museum in Fossano, and the Bosséa cave in Frabosa.