The wellness adventure> Sensation

Step 2

alt_route Forest of Notre-Dame de Lure

access_time 30min - Free

In the forest of giant trees hide the remains of the old Notre Dame de Lure abbey. In the shade of lime trees, beeches and hundred-year-old walnut, there is great serenity in this secluded and mysterious place.

A place steeped in history, the abbey was founded in the second half of the 12th century and is the destination of many pilgrimages. At that time, Provence experienced a revival in the Catholic faith with the adoration of the Virgin Mary.

Lure is located on an adret, the sunniest side of a valley. Its position makes this site an essential passage for drug addicts hawkers. They roamed the mountains to gather aromatic and medicinal plants and then left to sell them in cities near or far. Find out more about the tale and history of drug peddlers.

To find out more, discover a quote from Jean-Louis Carribou about Jean Giono and the Lure forest.

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“Walking in the forest is a great pleasure that appeals to all the senses, and Giono shares this sensuality with us in the description of a walk in the forest […]. Walking in the forest also means letting yourself be penetrated by the mystery fueled by all the legends, all the fairy tales, all the literature that enchant these places. We think of the legendary forest of Brocéliande where the enchanting Merlin and the fairy Viviane from the novels of the Round Table stayed. We think of the tales that frighten and delight children (Little Thumb, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty ...), Robin Hood in his forest of Sherwood, and closer to us, at the Call of the Forest by Jack London, at the Green Church of Hervé Bazin. The forests of literature abound with wonderful and fantastic stories. Giono, who was an avid reader, knew them. His imagination is nourished by it, and when he speaks of Notre Dame de Lure, he envelops it in the mystery of the Knights of the Round Table. "

Jean-Louis Carribou, 15 literary walks to meet Jean Giono